
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Poll: is a 2 year old too young for diet?


It was recently reported in parentdish.co.uk mother began his daughter to a restricted calorie diet in the ripe old age of two.

She explains that she also wanted his daughter to grow and looks like it weighing 238 pounds. this story is sure to create some contradictions which beckons, the questions of how young is too young for diet and how calorie restriction should be considered an abuse of the child.

Aly Gilardoni began his daughter now 8 years for restricted calorie diet when she was just fat. It continues to be authorised only daughter to be 700 calories a day, which is well below what is recommended for cultivation of 8 years old.

Daughter says that it does not want to be fat child and grew to look like a mother. The mother still feeds, whatever she wants the junk food snacking after daughter goes to bed. Gilardoni is even quote says,

"I feel certain wines for having treated but not bothered Corleigh.I'm glad I've trained ya I want to grow up happy and do things never is, when I look in the mirror I see a huge, yet ruthless woman. not so under Corleigh-weight it will die in the next week.With eating disorder you can get it with therapy. but when you are fat, you are fat. "

Although the daughter looks healthy, but slightly underweight, this story raises many red flags.

Do you think? take part in the poll and comments below.

Is child abuse, to put the 2 year old normal at very low calorie restricted diet?

View the original article here

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We may terminate the food stamp users buying Soda?


Up in the battle against obesity Mayor Michael Bloomberg has petitioned the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States, to users of food stamp 1.7 million of their use to buy the soda, or other sweetened drinks.

This move is part of a series of interventions to reduce obesity included advertising, stricter rules relating to foodstuffs sold in schools and not to be a successful attempt to tax sweetened drinks.

Here is a good concept in stirred the pot by political, ethical and health.

I'm going to go right, and it says: I love the idea I like a lot.. in fact, I think the labels of foodstuffs should be used to buy vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds and canned goods-wholesome food. I also understand moved as the nature of this kind of idea.

See this thing should be signed, sealed and delivered begins today, but in the Department of humor all of us, let's take a look at some of the sticky issues that may arise with this stipulation.

Ethics is fair to discriminate against those with food stamps?We can tell what can and cannot buy?

In contrast, we all have a collective responsibility to ensure that our already outside the rails of the medical expenses not go even further into the abyss.

I don't see this as too "big brother" in General.-the Run-of-the mill straw man argument here would be "How dare they tell people what they may not be able to eat and drink," but let's remember that regulate what people can spend their Government assistance is not the same as telling people what they can and cannot eat/drink.

With many others in the same way towards the ideas are rooted deep problems and the solution is a multi-directional. Although this is a great idea, there are no more big fish SAC particular maize grants that support prices artificially low.

In the end I don't see this crossing due to the industry a cozy relationship between major food and feed controls the Government. I am sure they are caustic lobbyists work overtime to ensure that this idea never sees the light of day. Furthermore, in 2004, the Ministry of agriculture has refused a request from Minnesota to prevent food stamp recipients buy junk food.

What are your thoughts on this?

Image credit: poolie

View the original article here

Monday, November 1, 2010

How to maintain the weight loss [Forum]

When you try to lose weight by objectives will help you achieve great results. How much you want to lose each week? Areas to improve your diet? Exercise? These objectives should be determined on a weekly basis.

I have lost 20 pounds and my husband has lost 43 lbs. Having too many goals will just confuse you.


View the original article here

Hey man do you work in a restaurant?


Funny thing happened to me during a long time. For some reason it just dawned on me now in the blog. Unfortunately I'm slow.

At the time I switched yoga studios.I like the strong practice and my old Studio, cut back to classes. now fortune, my new Studio has two doors down on the market of farmers, which is a win win for me.

So I was shopping there each week and usually I bought many fruit and vegetables, particularly of fresh green as broccoli and spinach.I am primarily a vegetarian, so I plow through many plants each week.

I was standing in line waiting for this day to pay and when it was my turn, Treasurer, I see in each week and never made small talk, he asked me, "to work in a restaurant? since always buy many things."

Now I'm social asocialni, so just smirked.I guess the short Italian man, buy a huge bunches of the product on a weekly basis, looks like a Restaurant owner, especially in New Jersey, the land of delis.

He said it and explain that I eat vegetable-based diet and that I don't eat meat, she wanted to know if I was a vegetarian.I said, "type" and it told me diet is mainly fruit and vegetables and I eat only the animal is a fish.

Treasurer, seemed to get it, but not really. it is Mexican, so it might be thinking, "Stupid gringo is missing out on good tacos and burritos."

It might be right, but I must admit, one little dude, purchase, many fruit and vegetables each week is abnormally. it must have thought I was some kind of hybrid, human and cow in mind might be easier just to eat some of carne asada every once and a while.

Trust me, I understand that I am 100% Italian, my family is above the boat Italian-guido Italian-and so they will still look at me funny when I don't eat meatballs or cheese.

So if you are too, veg is nothing like this ever happened to you?, do go to shop for food, and get mistaken for sous-chef?

Image credit: no cookies

View the original article here